New from Bike Clubhouse Industries – a wholly-owned subsidiary of ridebiks inc., in partnership with The Corrective Action Bicycle Club – the Plaid Klamp®.
This handy device will store your plaid securely should you need to disengage Plaid Mode during a ride. Works with a variety of sizes and weights of Plaids, as well as any tartan.
- Mounts to standard bike water bottle bosses
- Carbon Neutral – contains no carbon fibre – strictly space age polymers and plastics for supreme light weight
- Works for left and right handers
- Can be used to carry other cargo and accessories such as water bottles, cans of tennis balls, Pringles, beer/soda, and baguettes.
- Tartan is still visible so you can fly the colours of your Clan.
Available in these ‘custom’ colours

Also Available
The xES is now available to make sure your Plaid stays secure in your Plaid Klamp® when the going gets rough.
- Made with environmentally friendly materials
- Easy to wash
- Extra, extra long to wrap extra securely many, many, extra times to make sure things are secure.