I’ve launched a new project. Full details are on the actual website [Now defunct. -Ed.], but in short:
I think more people should be riding bikes. In my many years of riding bikes one thing I’ve learned is the best way to get more people to ride bikes is to – wait for it – ride your bike. What people respond to is truth. All you have to do is ride your bike and be honest about it. Tell about it. Be the living embodiment of what riding a bike does for you. That’s enough. People can see that, it’s genuine. You don’t have to beat them over the head with it or rattle off stats or talk smack about cars. The riding itself is the corrective action for so many of us. That’s what non-riders need to see and experience.
If’n youse are into bikes, perhaps give it a look-see. And perhaps even if you’re not, we might be able to bring you around.