I was reading William B. Irvine’s A Guide To The Good Life: The Ancient Art of Stoic Joy and he talks about developing one’s ‘philosophy of life.’ I think mine might be Always Be Processing Gear.
“We normally characterize an optimist as someone who sees his glass as being half full rather than half empty. For a Stoic, though, this degree of optimism would only be a starting point. After expressing this appreciation that his glass is half full rather than being completely empty, he will go on to express his…
I was reading the post Speak the Wild Words and it’s good, you should check it out. This stuck out to me: Craftivism is a kind of anathema to slacktivism, which is the more common path of protest these days – yelling loudly into Facebook to try and effect change. Craftivism, is quieter and gentler, it generates…
JRA when it occurs to me that one day I’ll grow to frail to lift and/or ride this bike. I mean, and that’s the aspired for IDEAL, right? Memento mori, kids. In all things. Make this your best day.
Sometimes, the obstacle is the way. Went out way finding this past long weekend and passed some tests. @spoke_n_words here, getting on with getting on. Ride bikes.
“Implements, tools, equipment. If they do what they were designed for, then they work. Even if the person who designed them is miles away. But with naturally occurring things, the force that designed them is present within them and remains there. Which is why we owe it special reverence, with the recognition that if you…