Not the kind where there’s no noise at all, but the kind when the only noise is what’s naturally occurring at that moment. Pleasant snowshoe in the UNB Woodlot a few days ago. It was dusk/getting dark so the photos are a bit dark. I also find that the iPhone throws way more blue into…
“When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the universe.” –John Muir
Lest we forget all those who gave up so many sunrises so that we could embrace all our days fully, in their honor.
Went out on a road ride with @spoke_n_words because apparently these are still a thing. In typical form we managed to still ride some ‘non-road’ sections. I believe now that #gravel is a thing you can’t call them sectiONS, you have to call the sectORS, so we done rode some of those. I somehow managed even on my ‘road’…