Tag: Cal Newport

  • “Addiction is actually the point.”

    “Addiction is actually the point.”

    It would seem more people are getting it. Via Cal Newport’s blog post, Senator Hawley on Social Media: “addiction is actually the point.” “Social media only works as a business model if it consumes users’ time and attention day after day after day. It needs to replace the various activities we did perfectly well without social media, for…

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  • Arizona Cardinals Give Players ‘Phone Breaks’

    Arizona Cardinals Give Players ‘Phone Breaks’

    “Alright Gentlemen, let’s take 5 and check your notifications!” Interesting article on Cal Newport’s blog, about an NFL Coach giving his players phone breaks during team functions. (Do you know what lasts much longer than 20 – 30 minutes? NFL games. And there are no phone breaks once you’re on the field.) Instead of accommodating his…

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  • Powering Down

    Powering Down

    Cal Newport’s latest book, Digital Minimalism, is on my to-read list. I came across this blog post of his recently about a Sam Harris podcast with Stephen Fry. In response to Sam comparing the practice of meditation to the human development of the skill to read, Cal writes; “Meditation, by contrast, is more palliative than…

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