“Love is……a warm puppy dog.”…when?”…your heart glows!”…what we need.” Nearby was a pile of chalk labelled “free chalk”. Sometimes people are alright. Then we drink the coffee.
Got in a bike commute today and left the house early enough for a little #coffeeoutside before work.
The kids had a day off school which meant I wasn’t obligated to drive anyone anywhere – at least during business hours – so I managed to load the Surly Disc Trucker up and squeeze in a rare commute to the office by bike. This always includes the requisite taking of photos. Also managed to…
January of 2019 marked 15 years since I first started to commute to work by bike. Commuting to work by bike is something that would/could be a blog category all it’s own. There’s that much to say. I won’t say it here. What commuting to work by bike did end up facilitating was The Lunch…
Bike Commuting Myth #437: You need special shoes – False. Although my shoes are indeed special. Your ordinary shoes will work. Not everyone can be as special as me. Truth be told, most of the time, being me is pretty awesome. Often times, much more so than I even am willing admit. But you shouldn’t…
Some days, the bike commute is not glorious. It’s not greeting-card sunrises and waxing poetic about active transport being the savior of mankind. You don’t stop and take glamour shots of your bike leaning against a bridge. It’s just /getting to work/. I’m thinking about the project waiting for me that I would rather do…