• Leave aprehensions.

    So I’ve put in for my parental leave at work. I’ll be taking from when the baby’s born until Jan 5th. For you ‘Mericans, up here in Canada the Federal Gov’t mandates that employees must be granted paternal leave if requested and get their jobs back on their return. There’s various stipulations on the time…

  • I finished it.

    Posted in:

    Back in October of 2005 – the 31st to be exact, I still have the email – my unbeknownst-to-me new lifetime friend, Jason A. posted an ad on Craigslist to sell his brand new Surly Cross Check frame. I was short on cash but had been jonesing for one for years – he let me…

  • Tips for idiot drivers.

    #437 in a seemingly never-ending series Here’s one. If I’m waiting in a line of stop-and-go traffic and you’re waiting to merge in, and instead of waiting your turn, you barge in and almost cause an accident, don’t wave to me with the ‘Thanks for letting me in’ wave – cause I didn’t. You just…

  • Breathe in, breathe out.

    Just got into work and still reeling from the Social Media throwdown last night. Wow. So much to process. Things I realized/learned. 1. I must download Flock today. 2. Plurk is far better than Twitter. 3. LinkedIn is the new – well – the new something, but if you’re not on it you should be.…

  • Social media makes me want to go outside.

    I’ve been playing a lot with the social media these days. I’m sure some of you have noticed…I’ve been sending emails and friend requests and all. Twittering. Working the Facebooks and the flickrs. I’ve been trying to employ it mostly to get some networking going on and hopefully drum up some freelance work among other…

  • Mr. Right.

    Posted in:

    Got on the bike to work today – even though it was raining. Nothing is so immediately affirming as that. It’s great to know right away that you’re doing something right and good. Seems these days so much isn’t – or rather provides little or no feed back at all. Lyn asked me to buy…