• 9 years.

    ….7% of 5.02 mb… I’m sitting here waiting for a 5 MB stock photo to download over a dial-up connection. Yeah. That’s 45 minutes. It’s not like I can do any other work on the project. I’m waiting for the damn stock photo. ‘Course I can’t surf the web either. That just grinds everything to…

  • An Open Letter to Stupid Politicians.

    Here in Canada the pundits and news heads are all abuzz with the promise of the news boon that would be a Federal Election. As such politicians are out beating the street, gladhanding with the common man, working for that vote. Apparently the Conservative Party of Canada* has decided to go with the old school…

  • Off the grid in a manner of speaking.

    I’m getting ready to go to bed now at a decent hour, even though I’ve a ton of work to do and didn’t do it yet. That was a really lousy sentence. Colin was up half the night last night with hurting teeths. No fun. Dad wants some sleep. It occured to me today on…

  • thebuKitzone: now iPhone friendly.

    Hey kids. I don’t have one, but the buKitzone is now available to all you iPhone owners in a badass iPhone friendly format, thanks to Dale, Duane and crew at BraveNewCode and the WPtouch plugin. It’s awesome. At some point, when providers in Canada get their heads out of their asses, I will probably get…

  • I don’t want your Helvetica lamp.

    I just got a stupid-huge 12 square-foot self-promo poster from veer in the mail. Other items they’ve sent include an ‘activity book for creatives’, and a 500 (I think it was) piece jigsaw puzzle. None of which I’ve used/kept and none have induced me to either spontaneously or pre-meditatively run over and buy fonts or…

  • I miss you, my friends.

    I miss you, my friends. All those incredibly personal moments we shared. Many of the pieces that make us who we are. I wonder where you are now? Are you still playing hockey? Do you still collect those same stuffed animals? Does that spot still tickle? Did you ever finish that song? Did you ever…