Hey man, that was great, thanks for picking up that round. What a killer time we had. Unfortunately, after you bailed because you had to be up early the next day, I stayed at the bar and drank with those couple of people we met there. Then, when they left, I drank until the bar…
I tell you what, I’m tired of women. I live with 4 of ’em and I work with 7. Well ok, 3 of the 4 I live with are ‘women-in-training’, but they already exhibit some behaviours of their full-grown counterparts. I’ve had the unique experience of working both sides of the coin. My old office…
“Why did you move back to Canada?” I get asked this alot. My buddy Ryan said the other day that we should go play hockey sometime at lunch at the park up the street. “There’s ice right up the street?” I said, incredulous. “Yeah.” He tells me. “At the park.” Today we went 2 blocks…
Those of you who know what a music geek I am will know how much it pains me to say so, but this weekend I packed up my CDs (all 1000+ of them) into boxes and shuffled them off to the basement in favour of more space in the living room for things like dump…