• Truck vs. Bike

    Posted in:

    At the beginning of this year, I was in need of a second vehicle. After weighing pros and cons and my needs, I decided on this: It’s a 2007 Chevrolet Crew Cab Planet Killing Device. I was torn between my desire to have a vehicle that suited my needs (hauling many childrens and a dog,…

  • In defense of Hockey.

    Or an open letter to hockey fans who also happen to be idiots. I haven’t written a blog post in ages. I should have known that it would be mallet-headed cluebaggers that would bring me out again. I’ll disclaim this right now by saying that I’m a Habs fan. But this isn’t about teams. It’s…

  • Don’t get any on you.

    He didn’t notice it when his head exploded. The cute girl in the cubicle next to him was chatting away on the phone when she poked her head over the partition. She started talking to him before she appeared over the top. “Dude, did you hear that? It sounded like a – OH JESUS! ARE…

  • Hurry, hard.

    In light of the Olympics and for the benefit of some of my new Canadian friends, I’ve dug up this old post from back when I first moved to Canada in the late 90’s. Hopefully it’s relatively amusing…. I mentioned earlier that this installment would contain a discussion of curling. Well, it would except that…

  • haiku

    tired but waiting stillfocus is out, wanderingforward into light

  • And the stockings were hung out the window with care…

    So I trashed my knee. Not that one*. The OTHER one. The one I didn’t trash 15 years ago. That’s news. It folded the other night when I was playing hockey. It did make a very interesting ‘pop’ as it did so. So that sucks. It seems to be not as bad as I initially…