• The 100 Thing Challenge: Checking In

    A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away I set out to tackle the 100 Thing Challenge, outlining my thoughts here. Well my self-imposed deadline has past and I’ve dropped the ball. Probably one of the things I should have gotten rid of. Truth is, once I set out to ‘declutter’, I found…

  • Kill Your Music Collection – The Reformation of A Music Pirate.

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    If you follow the music industry/world at all, you may have heard about the NPR/David Lowery back and forth, if not, here’s a quick lowdown. An NPR DJ, Emily White posted a blog entry about her large – and relatively unpaid for – music library which sparked a lot of discussion. Dave Lowery (someone I have…

  • Google+ Circles, Good – Facebook Lists, Bad.

    For those of you that have never checked it out, one of the (multitude of) things that Google+ does infinitely better than Facebook is allow you to manage your streams and the content in them using ‘Circles’. Facebook has ‘Lists’ that you can create to sort people into categories. This works ok. Their mechanism/UI for…

  • Henry Rollins in Fredericton

    When I lived in metropolis of Washington DC in my younger days, I passed on lots of shows and events for all kinds of reasons. Perhaps I was too cool – highly doubtful. Maybe I had better things to do. Also highly doubtful. Lack of funds? Safer bet. Be that as it may, one person…

  • The Travel Playlist

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    I recently took a family vacation to California and in addition to packing and making sure everyone’s assorted stuffed animals were in tow, I did the most important thing; stock the iPod with music. This will be boring to some (most?) but to music geeks like me it’s a big deal, especially when you consider…

  • Ring ring.

    The ringing. It’s always there, the ringing. Drown out the ringing. Ignore the ringing. Mute the ringing. I can hear the ringing around the corners. Under the cracks, the ringing. I can see it in the dark. Droning. Drowning. Ringing. Sometimes it’s way down the hallway. Distant. Tiny. Somedays it rattles the teeth in my…