• Coffeeneuring 2015: Controls 5 & 6

    A tale of two coffees. Two more disparate coffees, I challenge you to find. Control #5 Date: October 24, 2015 Location: Chamcook Lake, NB, Canada Order: Fresh ground cup of Hobo Rouleur from Ocean Air Cycles Distance: 55km round trip Bike Friendly: Oh, hells yeah. While I was on a mini-getaway in St. Andrews, NB,…

  • Coffeeneuring 2015: Controls 3 & 4

    Subcategory: Cookieneuring The Coffeeneuring Challenge 2015 continues. And sometimes, it gets ugly. Control #3 Date: October 11, 2015 Location: Read’s, Fredericton Order: Americano, Ginormous Chocolate Chip Cookie Distance: 30km round trip Bike Friendly: Yeh Hit up the Read’s news stand and cafe in downtown Fredericton. It was raining pretty good, which in my mind merits…

  • Coffeeneuring 2015: Controls 1 & 2

    Got out for my first two controls for #Coffeeneuring Challenge 2015. Control #1 Date: Oct. 3, 2015 Location: Chess Piece Café Order: Americano with extra shot, Sausage Roll, Breakfast Volcano Distance: 50km round trip Bike friendly: Yeh Might have totally stewed myself by hitting my favorite, and in my opinion, the best coffee shop in…

  • Enough Pictures of Bikes Leaning Against Things

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    I’ve taken probably literally hundreds of them. We all have. After awhile you struggle to come up with new ways to be creative. Bikes laying down. Bikes propped up with sticks. Propped up with helmets under the pedals. Done ‘em all. At some point I started trying to get myself in shots more. 90% of…

  • Tree Nursery S24O: Get on Boards

    When I started looking at maps with an aim to ride out my back door for an S24O, being that I live in a rural area I found plenty of space. I was a bit hesitant to just pirate camp anywhere for fear of pissing off landowners and/or encountering hostile local yahoos. There’s a river…

  • The Surly Pugsley Adventure Bike

    I honestly don’t remember when I first saw a fatbike. I know it was a Surly Pugsley. It may have been a prototype floating around the interwebs. I do remember when they first put a production one in the catalog. I remember thinking that it was awesome. And I knew instantly a lot of people…