• Poets of Instagram

    Poets of Instagram

    I’ve really grown to love Instagram as a social media platform, it’s become one of my favourite places to visit online. It’s currently the only social media app I have on my phone. I enjoy the nature of it – the fact that it’s primarily visual. I’m pretty selective with who I follow and for…

  • It’s Friday, Mofos: Therefore, JAZZ.

    It’s Friday, Mofos: Therefore, JAZZ.

    Posted in:

    So I’m bombing down the dark backroads of New Brunswick between the Hinterlands of Chipman and Fredericton last night and listening to jazz on CBC Radio2’s Tonic – you know – cause that’s how us New Brunswickers take the sting off an hour back and forth drive for a tough Atom Rec Hockey 8-0 pasting…

  • Numbers are Just Numbers

    Numbers are Just Numbers

    A great article from TechDirt that popped up in my feed recently: “…internet traffic is half-fake and everyone’s known it for years, but there’s no incentive to actually acknowledge it.” Many of my clients come to me, worried about their website, SEO and page views. The Web wants you to believe that the Web is…

  • Winter Fools

    Winter Fools

    Posted in:

    Many mornings like these over many years I would get up and start by checking the temperature. After that, experience had told me based on the amount of noise and creaking my house was making under the wind that the windchill would be at least -10 more degrees. I would suit up in a combination…

  • Don’t Quit Social Media, Put it to Work Instead

    Don’t Quit Social Media, Put it to Work Instead

    An interesting article here in the New York Times pointed out to me by a friend, written as a counterpoint to the article I mentioned in my last post: Don’t Quit Social Media, Put It to Work for your Career Instead “Cultivating your social media brand is a fundamentally passive approach to professional advancement.” “There…

  • Quit Social Media. Your Career May Depend on It.

    Quit Social Media. Your Career May Depend on It.

    Quit social media. Your career may depend on it. Interesting opinion piece from the New York Times shared with me via email by a friend. The email share to a group fostered some discussion, here were a few words I contributed. I fluctuate back and forth with regard to the ‘ability to concentrate’ issue. I’ve…