• Fack’s Facebook Facts 3

    Fack’s Facebook Facts 3

    “Facebook is not thriving for me.” Dave Winer, considered the father of blogging, podcasting and RSS, thinks Facebook may be dying. At least for him anyway. I don’t know that I would disagree. It certainly lost it’s lustre for me. Ages 25 to 34, at 29.7% of users, is the most common age demographic. (Source:Emarketer 2012)…

  • Amor Fati

    Amor Fati

    Shared my Camus/Sisyphus observation with my buddy and personal sage, A. Titus Esq., the other day and he of course responded as only he could: “A position I have long held to be so…One must imagine Sisyphus happy. Nietzsche called this ‘Amor fati’. Or as I like to call it, ‘be quiet and go’.” I’ve…

  • Fack’s Facebook Facts 2

    Fack’s Facebook Facts 2

    Mashable: Facebook Admits to as Many as 270 Million Fake/Clone Accounts “The social network upped its estimate of the portion of fake accounts from 2 to 3 percent and the number of duplicates from 6 to 10 percent, Business Insider first reported. That means that as many as 270 million of the platform’s 2.1-billion-strong user…

  • The Myth of Sisyphus

    The Myth of Sisyphus

    So, according to Camus, Sisyphus was happy with his predicament. Huh. Hadn’t seen that one coming, but kinda makes sense. “Finally, he is clear on the fact that the purpose of life isn’t to live as good and comfortable as possible, but it’s to live as much as possible. It’s to have a zest and…

  • Fack’s Facebook Facts 1

    Fack’s Facebook Facts 1

    Business Insider: What It’s Really Like to Work At Facebook Facebook employs 23,165 people, worldwide* I thought as my countdown to dumping Facebook, I’d share some interesting facts. The two people interviewed in the attached article paint it as a great place to work and it was recently voted as such. As someone who has…

  • Au Revoir, Facebook.

    Au Revoir, Facebook.

    I’ve deactivated it for time periods before, but going full monty this time. Over the past few months I’ve pretty much jumped off all the social medias, including the Plus here, but have decided to gradually come back to some, in a more curated fashion. Found overall that spending less time in front of screens…