• Commutes Are Coming

    Commutes Are Coming

    Commutes are hopefully coming. Being that during the school year I need to get home in time to be there for my youngest two when they get off the bus, I don’t have the time, even with an adjusted work schedule, to ride the bike to work like I used to. There was a several…

  • The Call

    The Call

    That moment you get the call. You’ve spent a year meticulously building a website just as the client specified and after much hand-holding, launched it. You’ve prepared them for this moment, strategy, planning, meetings, storytelling. Then, watched – and in some cases aided, over the following year as they proposed and made updates and posted…

  • Intensity


    So got an email in my inbox the other day announcing some new NIN live shows. Always a surprise to get an email from NIN. I joined the newsletter years ago and they only send out a note when there’s shows or new music. No spam. No 5 posts a week. That’s newslettering done right…

  • The Long, Lingering Death of the CD

    The Long, Lingering Death of the CD

    Best Buy to Pull CDs from Retail Stores It’s been at least a year, maybe two since I bought a physical CD. As someone who’s library was at one point pushing the 1,000 unit mark, I find that fascinating. I held on to my CDs for a long time, even after subscribing to Apple Music.…

  • Cross is Coming, Have No Doubt

    Cross is Coming, Have No Doubt

    Posted in:

    Really, if you think about it, that’s kind of a dumb saying.  I mean, I get it and all, particularly in a motivational sense but really, in one way or another, cross is always coming. I was listening to a talk the other day on the Buddhist concept of the ‘5 Hindrances’. The talk is…

  • Facebook D Day

    Facebook D Day

    I think today may be the day that my Facebook account dies. I say I think, because I’m not really sure. I think Facebook wants it that way. When you go to delete your account, they say it will take effect within 14 days, but it may be sooner – or maybe later? My past…