• 45 North Greazy

    45 North Greazy

    Greazy. Some years ago I stumbled into @radicaledgebikeski to find one of these @45nrth Greazy caps sitting on a rack. It being the only one, and me being, at the time, a total 45NRTH fanboy, I snatched it up, ignoring the fact that I had an overflowing drawer full of headwear at home. It came…

  • Spares


    Posted in:

    When you’re like me and you have several bikes, and several bags that go on your bikes and they fit on all your bikes, and because you’re restless and enjoy torturing yourself by never being satisfied with any one combination of said bag on said bike, you end up moving your bags around a lot.…

  • Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band, Live/1975-85, 1986

    Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band, Live/1975-85, 1986

    Posted in:

    All the redemption I can offer, girl, is beneath this dirty hood I have to cop to being completely unaware of Bruce Springsteen prior to the advent of MTV. I was introduced via the ‘Born in the USA’ and ‘Dancing in the Dark’ videos. Being the self-proclaimed music geek I am now, I’m almost ashamed…

  • Mixtape Archive 1

    Mixtape Archive 1

    Posted in:

    Back in another lifetime when I was living in a house with anywhere from 5-7, dare I say what would now be referred to as Dude Bros, my buddy and I made many mixtapes for the purposes of ‘rocking out.’ Parties. In the car on the way to hockey. Workouts. Whatevs. We hand a bent…

  • Commutes Are Coming

    Commutes Are Coming

    Commutes are hopefully coming. Being that during the school year I need to get home in time to be there for my youngest two when they get off the bus, I don’t have the time, even with an adjusted work schedule, to ride the bike to work like I used to. There was a several…

  • The Call

    The Call

    That moment you get the call. You’ve spent a year meticulously building a website just as the client specified and after much hand-holding, launched it. You’ve prepared them for this moment, strategy, planning, meetings, storytelling. Then, watched – and in some cases aided, over the following year as they proposed and made updates and posted…