• Lunch Loop

    Lunch Loop

    Posted in:

    There is always the driving ache to get out of the Office Box. I brought my lunch, I don’t need to go somewhere to buy it. I have no errands to do this day. I go ride my bike in a big, crooked circle. Or along a straight line and back. Because the movement and…

  • Mixtape


    Posted in:

    03.02.99 – plus policy of truth dishwalla

  • Bike Commuting Myth #437

    Bike Commuting Myth #437

    Posted in:

    Bike Commuting Myth #437: You need special shoes – False. Although my shoes are indeed special. Your ordinary shoes will work. Not everyone can be as special as me. Truth be told, most of the time, being me is pretty awesome. Often times, much more so than I even am willing admit. But you shouldn’t…

  • Thule Racks

    Thule Racks

    Somewhere around 1985 my parents bought a Thule roof rack to carry our bikes on a move cross country. We strapped my Haro Master and the rest of the bikes to the top of the Corolla and took off. Worked great. The clamps in those days for road bikes held them upside down by the…

  • Bike Commuting Sucks

    Bike Commuting Sucks

    Posted in:

    Some days, the bike commute is not glorious. It’s not greeting-card sunrises and waxing poetic about active transport being the savior of mankind. You don’t stop and take glamour shots of your bike leaning against a bridge. It’s just /getting to work/. I’m thinking about the project waiting for me that I would rather do…

  • Jeff n’ Joan’s

    Jeff n’ Joan’s

    Thought I’d share my unsolicited (well ‘sorta-solicited’ – Randi asked me in the nice handwritten note that came with my bag to let them know what I thought of it) thoughts on my @randijofab Jeff ’n’ Joan’s bag.  /  I got one of these bags when they first launched ‘em –  I had been wanting…