• Pumpkins Reunion

    Pumpkins Reunion

    Posted in:

    When you read things like “Smashing Pumpkins ‘Reunion’ Record”, after first making sure that it’s not just a clickbait headline, you’d be forgiven for finding yourself with a musical hard-on. Alas, the bizkit is a bit limp now. Granted, this is not a full reunion – there’s no D’Arcy – but the other 3 dudes…

  • Because Titus Says So

    Because Titus Says So

    I am gonna sit here an write this because Titus told me to I don’t know why. I don’t know why I’m writing or what to write about. I don’t believe in blogs anymore. There are too many blogs. Blogs are dead. Blogs are news magazines. Blogs are old news. Some blogs are fake news.…

  • The Bike Ride as Reset Button

    The Bike Ride as Reset Button

    One of the common misconceptions about certain types of meditation is that the ‘goal’ is to ‘empty your mind of all  thought. The method is to find blank mind through a process of focusing on breath, i.e. the present moment. This is a VERY simplified description, but instagram only gives me 2200 characters, and I’ve…

  • Too Many Coats

    Too Many Coats

    Every morning, I walk by these on the way out of my house and I think, I’m ashamed to have this many coats. So many people have no coat at all. I have too many. Yet I can’t figure out how to get rid of even one. I have coats of various weights for various…

  • Mojujuness


    I decided this weekend I’m gonna just ride bikes. That’s my thing. You probably knew that. You’re probably saying “well, duh, we can see that’s your thing – was this ever in doubt?” I was having a discussion with a buddy of mine, who also happens to be the proprietor of my LBS, about my…

  • Lunch Loop

    Lunch Loop

    Posted in:

    There is always the driving ache to get out of the Office Box. I brought my lunch, I don’t need to go somewhere to buy it. I have no errands to do this day. I go ride my bike in a big, crooked circle. Or along a straight line and back. Because the movement and…