• If There Is Such A Thing

    If There Is Such A Thing

    Posted in:

    “You might say, well, what’s the right way of being in the world? – if there is such a thing – and it’s not acting in accordance to a set of rules. It’s attempting continuously to transcend the flawed thing that you currently are. And what’s interesting about that is that the meaning of life…

  • Using My Attention with Intention

    Using My Attention with Intention

    About a year ago, after a lot of consideration, I decided that I was through with social media. I’d gone back and forth on the whys, the hows, the reasoning and finally decided to pull the plug on it all. I was an early adopter and for awhile a staunch advocate, but I’d reconsidered. Long…

  • Nanoscape


    My buddy and fellow cyclist Geoff Williams (gewilli to his peeps) has a side gig going on posting artwork from Electron Microscopes. Fascinating stuff. He recently had a print exhibition at the Chazan Gallery in Rhode Island. Check him out on instagram and twitter. I hear he plays a mean fiddle as well. From the…

  • The Empty Suitcases of the Past

    The Empty Suitcases of the Past

    The other day, my internet Pen Pal Steve shared a post with me from Derek Sivers about keeping a daily journal – something I have scattered experience with. Here’s a portion of my response to Steve’s initial email: I have, for many years, kept a conventional paper/pen journal. I have lapses where I haven’t entered…

  • Taking a Stand by Sitting

    Taking a Stand by Sitting

    “Sit down, shut up, and watch yourself for awhile, every single day until you figure out what the hell is going on – well, you’ll never figure out what the hell is going on by the way – just a hint to the wise, but that’s a better strategy than hitting someone up with my…

  • On Fatherhood

    On Fatherhood

    Posted in:

    “I think the most important thing for a father these days is to just show that’s possible to do what you love and be really good at it. And then come home with tenderness and affection for them – missing them – and give them everything you’ve got when you get home and then start…