I was listening to a podcast discussing the ideas of a multiverse or multiple universes and timelines and the notion that there are other versions of us, elsewhere. I sure hope the other me-s are having as good a time riding bikes.
The only bike I had clean/functional enough to ride was the single-speed so it won. I also had new pedals to try out.
There are albums in my collection – and it’s weird to say collection because what it really is, I’ve added them to my Library in Apple Music – though, truth be told, I did own this album on CD before I sold all my CDs – and indeed purchased it the month it came out…
One of my kids had an accident with their iPad at school so I had to run it into town to the device repair place – which – it seems to me – is THE business to be in right now. Also had to grab a poutine and root beer to-go from Jack’s because I…
“Chet, Chet, Chet…” So you have 26” mountain bikes that are growing up to 29” mountain bikes, meaning bikes in general and frames got bigger. You have road bikes getting compacter. Out on the fringe you have cross bikes. Then you have people starting to do mixed surface-cum-‘gravel’ rides on cross bikes, and mountain bikes.…
Andrew’s annual birthday ride to the Sunbury Diner. Included a flat and an additional stop at The Landing for me.