• Coffeenuring 2023: Control 1
  • September 27

    September 27

    One year to the day.

  • Afternoon


    Rode at lunch to Picaroons and had lunch. Went to the office and worked from there until the evening. Out and back. Out. And back. See above. All that time on a bicycle with wheels spinning | earth spinning | mind spinning and one has time to think. Most of it was along the lines…

  • A Rendezvous with Destiny

    A Rendezvous with Destiny

    It had been raining and dark all day and when I was done with work the rain had stopped and the clouds were breaking a bit. I decided to get out for a spin to let the wind blow through my head. Wound up on the flats with around 30 Canadian Geese hunkered down for…

  • One Serious Bike

    One Serious Bike

    Me, locking this bike up at Picaroons this weekend with the intent of scoring an espresso at Neighbourly Coffee. An older lady and gentleman stroll along, he exclaims: “WOW. That is one SERIOUS bike there!” Me, chuckling, “Serious? Is that good or bad? I try not to be too serious when riding it…” He: “No,…

  • Across the Bikeiverse

    Across the Bikeiverse

    I was listening to a podcast discussing the ideas of a multiverse or multiple universes and timelines and the notion that there are other versions of us, elsewhere. I sure hope the other me-s are having as good a time riding bikes.