Got out to meet Titus for a ride today. On my way I stopped on the walking bridge across the Nashwaak River to watch for a bit and I was talking to myself as I usually do. I was actually talking out loud, so people – if there were any around – could’ve heard me.…
Looks like I’ll be working from home for the foreseeable future, which is alright with me for a lot of reasons, so I rearranged a bit and hung pictures.
Headed out for a ride to town. The wind was, shall we say, significant. Little bit of resistance training, but at least the views were nice.
Came across an interesting article, The Origins of Sprawl over at The Paris Review. Have to admit, it didn’t end up where I thought it would. It’s suburban sprawl, yes, but Levittown also calls to mind what the architect Rem Koolhaas dubs “junkspace”—ugly, bland, utilitarian buildings and a lot of things that serve very little…
Took the Ute out for a spin – don’t get it out enough. I added some bucket panniers to it making it easier to pickup trash. Also got some new tires – slightly larger. I think I could probably go even bigger clearance-wise, but these’ll do for now.