I was reading an article over at the Atlantic, The Prophecies of Q – this stuff is remotely interesting, in a car-crash kind of way. One part struck me: In a Miami coffee shop last year, I met with a man who has gotten a flurry of attention in recent years for his research on conspiracy…
Theres a 90+ acre area of river flats about a 10 minute walk from my house. It’s land that is for all intents and purposes uninhabitable – it floods every spring. There’s a road on it and nice access to the Nashwaak River. There are fields on it where hay was harvested. For over 10…
I am currently reading Karl Ove Knausgaard’s Autumn (part of what’s considered (‘The Seasons Quartet’), it’s a book of many short chapters describing relatively everyday things – premise being it’s a ‘letter’ to his as yet unborn daughter, due in a few months. In the chapter titled ‘Beds’ he writes: “The bed is placed in…
I directed an ill-timed joke at the stands of my hockey practice last night from the ice. I realized, to my horror – after it landed, that I’d no way to know right-away where it’d landed since everyone had masks on. DO NOT construe this as anti-mask, because it’s not. I 100% support the mask…