• Lest We Forget

    Lest We Forget

    Lest we forget all those who gave up so many sunrises so that we could embrace all our days fully, in their honor.

  • ‘Renegade’ and The Authentic Moment

    ‘Renegade’ and The Authentic Moment

    Neuroscientist/Philosopher Sam Harris tells a story of walking on stage to give a talk somewhere and upon seeing that there was bottled water on a table next to the podium he did what so many of us do and thought to himself, “oh good, they put some water there.” He then asks – why is…

  • Productivity & Distraction

    Productivity & Distraction

    Cal Newport dropped Staying Productive on Distracted Days over on his blog and it’s a nail-on-the-head observation for me. “Productivity” is a slippery term. It’s often used to refer exclusively to the rate at which you produce value for your business or employer. I tend to apply it more broadly to describe the intentional allocation…

  • Dawn Patrol

    Dawn Patrol

    When I was a younger, dumber person – more inclined to evenings of considerable debauchery – my friends and I would consider any mountain bike ride that started before 1oam as ‘Dawn Patrol’. Then at some point you have to start getting up at like 6 for work. And to get kids to school. Or…

  • Oh CBC, Please, Don’t

    Oh CBC, Please, Don’t

    From the article, Current, former CBC employees condemn corporation’s branded-content initiative – from ironically enough The Globe and Mail – a company name-checked in the article as being one of many “private news organizations [that] have developed robust branded content initiatives. Hundreds of current and former staff, including Peter Mansbridge, Linden MacIntyre, Gillian Findlay, Bob…

  • NIN Modular Mask

    NIN Modular Mask

    Nine Inch Nails presents the NIN Modular Face Mask System. Also known as the INASAAIBIS* mask, this heavy duty mask features a unique interchangeable message system that allows you to customize your mask to match your mood. Defiant? Just getting by? Provocative? You decide. *I‘m Not A Selfish Asshole And I Believe In Science -nin.com…