• Present


    There’s only the present moment. The past and future don’t exist save in your insistence that they do. Buy the day-old cinnamon roll to go with your lunch. The Universe put it on the counter by the cash register for you to see.

  • All the News that’s Fit to Print

    All the News that’s Fit to Print

    Posted in:

    Some of you might be wondering, “After I go for an extended mixed-surface ride with my homie that involves several deep water crossings, how many pages from the Acadie Nouvelle do I use to dry out my shoes in the sun?” The answer would be six. Three pages per shoe. No more, no less.

  • 40k Hood Ride #dirtchvrch Edition

    40k Hood Ride #dirtchvrch Edition

    Ninth day in a row on this bike. Needs lube.

  • Thursday


    Today is the 6th day in the row I’ve gone for a ride. Was a time when I rode almost every day a lot. Recently it has been more challenging due to all kinds of life things – sometimes even including the motivation to go ride. The world is invariably better when I ride and…

  • Customline


    Just put a roof rack on for the bikes and I’m set.

  • Random


    Recently my buddy Steve sent me a chunk of a blog post from an author we both follow over at Raptitude.com: To select a destination, I use an obscure app called Randonautica, which creates an X-marker somewhere on a map of the city. The app’s “About” section says it chooses this location through “theoretical mind-matter interaction…