• Travel time.

    Well, Lyn and I are gearing up to make a big trip south so that the Bean can see Great Grandma and Great Grandpa and Grandma and Grandpa Fackenthall. That’s alot of grands. It would be to an untruth to say that we are not apprehensive about the trip, as it will be the Bean’s…

  • Drool rules.

    Well hello there. Welcome to my lair on the web. I’m Julia Fackenthall, daughter of Kent and Lyn. Dad calls me ‘Bean’, short for Jellybean. I sure hope he doesn’t keep that up when I have my friends over. They weren’t going to give me a web page at first, saying that I would have…

  • US/Canadian Joint Sleep Deprivation Project: Day 179

    Here we are with the debut of our new family site, so all of you can see pictures of our new arrival. But enough about her, dammit. It’s time for us to get some attention for once. If you want to see gooey gaga pictures, check out the Bean’s portion of the site. You can…

  • Say, are those tire tracks on your dog?

    Well, everything is normal up here in the north. It’s started to get cold already, and by cold for you California types, that means that the average temp each day is right around freezing. The sun still comes out, though I think it’s only for like 2 or three hours a day. These days I…

  • Off the market.

    Well, as most of you know, I am married now. So leave me alone. You needn’t tease me anymore, the deed is done. It was nice of the Rope to fly the fellas up from the Youth Hostel so that they could be here for the festivities. It was good to see everyone again and…

  • Manufactured creativity.

    Posted in:

    You know, I’m white. I can’t dance. I admit it. Oh, I like to flail around when I am by myself, but not in public, people would probably call 911 or something for fear that I was having a seizure. What’s my point? None, really, other than that I can’t dance. I guess that I…