Snow. Please. People down here don’t know what snow is. I can’t believe school was closed yesterday. The insanity continues. GET OUT AND BUY YOUR 37 ROLLS OF TOILET PAPER CAUSE THE WORLD IS GOING TO END IN A REIGN OF WHITE FLUFFY STUFF. Ugh. I guess paranoia, too, is relative.
I have been rambling around reading lots of blogs. So many blogs. I have one continuous thought. Where in the hell do these people get the time to do all this blogging? I haven’t updated this thing in at least a month, and it’s not beacuse I haven’t had anything to say – I simply…
Way back when – I don’t remember exactly when – I was in the greatest band you’ve never heard of. It was myself on drums and my friend Andy on guitar/vocals. We were tight. We never really played anywhere though. We had a real problem with bass players. They never worked out. I think we…
I wonder if Riad Q. Citizen in Iraq would like to know that a great deal of US servicemen/women over there have websites about their tour of duty in Iraq with pictures and comments and all that. Like it’s a vacation or something. I know it’s not a vacation. They know it’s not a vacation.…
So my daughter Julia, has been blowing chunks for the past 3 days. That doesn’t make her smarter than me. That part will come later – and if blowing chunks made you smart, I’d be designing rockets right now. We took her to the doctor and she was diagnosed with a ‘tonsil infection’. I think…
The other night I got lost in a well-to-do subdivision on my bike. It’s dark. I sit at a stop sign and try and flag people down for directions. I tried 8 or 9 people. The would look me right in the eye, and keep driving. I never got directions.