I’ve spent a lot of time and money setting myself and my bikes up with gear to ride in most conditions. So sometimes you gotta go test that stuff out. After yesterday’s Spring-like weather, today a storm was rolling in and talking to a client on the phone this morning who’d seen my post yesterday,…
A recent afternoon meeting. In attendance: my Internal Director of Heath and Well Being; my Creative Manager; Tim Krabbé; Suzuki Roshi; Ren & Stimpy. -b
Just sent this email to my ‘web guy*’: And I thought, “I’m in the medieval digital age.” *names have been changed to protect the innocent
Not the kind where there’s no noise at all, but the kind when the only noise is what’s naturally occurring at that moment. Pleasant snowshoe in the UNB Woodlot a few days ago. It was dusk/getting dark so the photos are a bit dark. I also find that the iPhone throws way more blue into…