• Perfect Conditions

    Perfect Conditions

    I’ve spent a lot of time and money setting myself and my bikes up with gear to ride in most conditions. So sometimes you gotta go test that stuff out. After yesterday’s Spring-like weather, today a storm was rolling in and talking to a client on the phone this morning who’d seen my post yesterday,…

  • Present


    Sunny, 9ºC and dry roads in mid-February is a gift. Would be rude not to unwrap it.

  • Branch Meeting

    Branch Meeting

    A recent afternoon meeting. In attendance: my Internal Director of Heath and Well Being; my Creative Manager; Tim Krabbé; Suzuki Roshi; Ren & Stimpy. -b

  • Who’s Domain Be This?

    Who’s Domain Be This?

    Just sent this email to my ‘web guy*’: And I thought, “I’m in the medieval digital age.” *names have been changed to protect the innocent

  • The Rink

    The Rink

    To me, ice rinks are holy places. I have spent 35+ years in and out of ice rinks. I have had some of the best times of my life with some of my best friends in ice rinks. I have spent amazing times with my children in ice rinks. I have learned about myself. I…

  • Silence


    Not the kind where there’s no noise at all, but the kind when the only noise is what’s naturally occurring at that moment. Pleasant snowshoe in the UNB Woodlot a few days ago. It was dusk/getting dark so the photos are a bit dark. I also find that the iPhone throws way more blue into…