So I’ve put in for my parental leave at work. I’ll be taking from when the baby’s born until Jan 5th. For you ‘Mericans, up here in Canada the Federal Gov’t mandates that employees must be granted paternal leave if requested and get their jobs back on their return. There’s various stipulations on the time…
#437 in a seemingly never-ending series Here’s one. If I’m waiting in a line of stop-and-go traffic and you’re waiting to merge in, and instead of waiting your turn, you barge in and almost cause an accident, don’t wave to me with the ‘Thanks for letting me in’ wave – cause I didn’t. You just…
Had a ton of important things I should have done tonight. Instead I finished my LinkedIn profile, somehow thinking that this would make work magically appear at my doorstep. I even sent out some recommendations to buds to try and spread some love – and work on my karma?. Can you still accrue karma if…
The picture above says volumes about what it’s like at my house. Only when you have kids of a small age can you walk around a corner to find this and no one in sight. I think I’m just a tenant here, someone else must be in charge. Not so angry any more. Not really…
I’m angry that I’ve come here. I’m angry that I’ve brought my family here for what is turning out to be the same-shit-different-job. I’m angry that the prospects are slim. Angry that Lyn mentioned this in DC and I shrugged it off. Angry ’cause I knew she was probably right and did it anyway. I’m…
Spring has sprung with a vengance. This workbench was clean a week ago. Slammed. Trying to get way more work done than humanly possible. Last day. Tomorrow Lyn leaves for DC and I’m solo with the short squad for 5 days. Note to self: pick up two-four on way home. Further communiques could be sporadic…