Category: Narrative

  • Aligned.

    It’s raining here on top of the 30 cms of snow and inch or so of ice we had, but it is plus 5 degrees out, so I thought I’d go for a bike ride. My father-in-law looked at me funny as I went out the door. The roads were slush on top of ice…

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  • Holiday Update.

    Every year (well mostly) I write some sort of brief update that we call the Christmas Letter and send out with our Christmas cards. I’ve been madly in the weeds over the holidays and when I have had free time I’ve decided to spend it doing pretty much nothing, since I’ve got to be off…

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  • Epiphany.

    It may be a day late and a dollar short, but I’ve come to the conclusion that life is about just that – living. It’s not about being pushed around by bosses, government monkeys and people that make their way through life manipulating others. It’s not about having blind faith in the ‘good of your…

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  • Let this be a lesson to you.

    This is what happens to your lawn when you try to do the work of a (red and white Ford) tractor (haul a trailer of firewood) with your 2 wheel drive soccer-mom mini-van. It took me 30 mins. to get the van unstuck from 1″ of mud and I had to unhook the trailer and…

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  • Harbinger.

    I didn’t have any work today and no appointments. I haven’t been on a bike since August. Thought I’d squeak in what might be the last bike ride of the year/season. It was cold today (-10°) but clear, with flurries here and there. 15 mins into the ride I stopped to snap a photo. Got…

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  • Name dropping.

    Lately, every morning I’ve been sitting here thinking I should write something on the blog. It’s a Catch 22. The longer I go without writing, the more there is to update but the more monumental task it seems to be to try and relate it all. I’d like to be as dilligent as Jill and…

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