A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away I set out to tackle the 100 Thing Challenge, outlining my thoughts here. Well my self-imposed deadline has past and I’ve dropped the ball. Probably one of the things I should have gotten rid of. Truth is, once I set out to ‘declutter’, I found…
When I lived in metropolis of Washington DC in my younger days, I passed on lots of shows and events for all kinds of reasons. Perhaps I was too cool – highly doubtful. Maybe I had better things to do. Also highly doubtful. Lack of funds? Safer bet. Be that as it may, one person…
I recently finished the book The 100 Thing Challenge in which it’s author, Dave Bruno, attempts to live for a year with only 100 personal items. He did this in response his fatigue with what he called ‘American Style Consumerisim‘ and in an effort to simplify his life and make more room for the important things.…
At three different points this weekend I’ve thought ‘I should blog about that.’ I think one of them might have even been on a moderately interesting topic. Alas, the ‘meh’ won. The to-do list or whatever else was going on. Fatigue. Forgot it. Dog ate my homework. I finished Country Gentleman Mat’s bike. Had to consult my…
It may have to do with my recent passing of 40 years on this rock – even though I tend to not give much credence to hoopla regarding inevitable milestones – but in an effort to get my literal and proverbial House in order, and on the recommendation of semi-retired country gentleman®, Mat Trevors, I’m…
I was watching the Toronto-Montreal game last night on Hockey Night in Canada and even though I’m a Habs fan, I have to admit, it was kind of a snoozer. First game of the season, teams still sorting line-ups out and all. I guess if you’re a Leafs fan you can be excited about it,…