Back in 1988 when I was a junior in high school I’d been playing drums for several years, but was still pretty much a hack. I’d taken some private and group lessons, but my playing was mostly confined to putting headphones on and playing to my favorite records. I didn’t ‘practice’ in any way, shape…
John Butler has been playing this song his entire career from busking on streets to stadiums. Like his career it has morphed and changed over time, and like one of his shows is unique each time he plays it. Many artists have ‘signature tunes’ that become canon. This is his. So cool to see a)… In this great post over at Brain Pickings – Maria Popova shines a light on Nick Cave’s answer to a fan question about future artificial intelligence creating ‘perfect songs’ with no humans needed. The short answer is, yes they will, but the long answer is they still won’t be the same. Nick fucking lays…
Was just listening to this album and remembered this iconic video from the heydays of MTV. What must it have been like to be the ‘candle wrangler’ on this set? What was the budget for bic lighters? “Damn, Sting just blew one out waving that hankie around. CUT! Everyone back to one…sigh“
The Grudge Saturn Comes Back Around “Saturn ascends Choose one or ten Hang on or be Humbled again” In astrology, planets “ascending” means one of two things, either entering the “ascendant” (or “rising sign”), or coming close to another planet. In this case it would be Saturn coming back around to it’s original place in…
When you read things like “Smashing Pumpkins ‘Reunion’ Record”, after first making sure that it’s not just a clickbait headline, you’d be forgiven for finding yourself with a musical hard-on. Alas, the bizkit is a bit limp now. Granted, this is not a full reunion – there’s no D’Arcy – but the other 3 dudes…