Anyone following along here knows that awhile back I did a Light Phone Experiment, based on my learning about the Light Phone II project. Well, the plot thickens. I had a convo with my buddy Steve who has backed the LP II and decided that he probably won’t use it, so once he gets his…
So a little over a year ago, I decided to give the Apple Series 3 Watch a go. I was able to get it with credit card bonus points, so technically, I didn’t ‘pay’ for it – we won’t mention the hundreds of dollars in interest over time. Initially I was pretty happy with it.…
If I have my druthers – I don’t know what a ‘druther’ is, but if I had mine – I’d always prefer to ride my bike directly out of my garage to the trailhead or wherever the group ride meet up point is. I like the solo warmup and I have a real internal conflict…
Not your Daddy’s Oldsmobile. Mine is not your conventional mid-life crisis. I don’t want the fast red sports car. I long for the slow, red truck that’s noisy and has no radio. No bluetooth. No heated seats. This particular one is a nice shade, has the additional cool tie-in of being from the year of…
So back in my post about the Light Phone 2 – I decided to give it a go with setting up my iPhone as much like a Light Phone 2 as possible and give it 2 weeks. Visit my first post to see what I stripped the phone down to. Here’s some observations. Day Two…
My buddy Steve posted over on his site about ordering up one of the forthcoming Light Phone 2’s – basically a stripped down phone that does calls, messaging and that’s about it. The prospect was appealing to me, and fatefully enough checking with my mobility provider tells me that the contract is up on my…